The application of the Global Navigation Satellite System and other advanced technologies has relieved the concerns with the maritime security. 卫星导航技术及其它高新科技被广泛应用,使得人们顾虑的航海安全问题得以全面的保障。
New generation global navigation satellite system ( GNSS) receivers should adjust internal parameters automatically according to the users ′ locations to provide better navigation service. 新一代全球导航卫星系统的接收机需要根据用户所处环境,自适应地调整接收机内部参数以达到最稳健的导航效果。
China is to contribute to a new global satellite navigation system being developed by European nations. 中国要捐助欧洲国家正在开发的全新的全球卫星定位系统。
The China-Europe Global Navigation Satellite System Technical Training and Cooperation Center will be6 located at Beijing University. 中国&欧洲全球定位卫星系统技术培训和合作中心将座落于北京大学。
This article presents a study of the carrier tracking loop of the global navigation satellite system ( GNSS) receiver in high dynamic conditions. 对高动态环境下的全球卫星导航系统(GNSS)载波信号跟踪方法进行了研究。
The radar, called synthetic aperture radar or SAR, is meant to complement a global satellite system that listens for electronic emergency beacons sent by wrecked planes or people in distress. 这个雷达系统,被称为合成孔径雷达或简称SAR,是用来弥补全球卫星定位系统的。卫星系统监听失事飞机或者被困人员所发出的紧急呼叫信号。
Global Navigation Satellite System ( GNSS) is a complicated system using satellite positioning techniques to provide users with accurate and timely navigation information, which has the tremendous application value in the field of air traffic control, marine Navigation and military affairs, and so on. 全球导航卫星系统(GNSS)是利用卫星定位技术向使用者提供精确和及时导航信息的复杂系统,它在空中交通管制、海上导航和军事等领域都有极大的应用价值。
Positioning algorithm is one of the keys to the development of a global navigation satellite system. 在卫星定位导航系统的定位算法研究过程中,导航卫星星座中各卫星的运动参数,包括位置和速度参数,是进行研究的基础。
In the fourth part, we research the application of nonlinear filtering technique in the global navigation satellite system. 第四部分研究了非线性滤波技术在卫星导航系统中的应用。
A review is given of the application of traffic management information system, advanced traffic management system, traffic line guidance system, global satellite positioning system and geographic information system in city traffic management. The prospect is also discussed in this paper. 综述了交通管理信息系统、先进型交通管理系统、交通路线诱导系统、卫星定位系统和地理信息系统在城市道路交通管理中的应用,并对道路交通管理的未来进行了展望。
This paper introduces a full_order inertial navigation system ( INS)/ global navigation satellite system ( GNSS)/ synthetic aperture radar ( SAR) integrated navigation system and its reduced_order model. 介绍了高阶组合导航系统惯性导航系统(INS)/全球导航卫星系统(GNSS)/合成孔径雷达(SAR)及其降阶模型。
The Global Satellite Communication System and Its Development 全球星卫星移动通信系统及其发展现状
This article has systematically introduced the concept, development, principles and characteristics of global satellite positioning system and mainly its application in vehicle administration. 文章系统地介绍了全球卫星定位系统的概念、发展、定位原理及特点,着重介绍了全球卫星定位系统在车辆管理方面的应用。
The Principles and Application of Global Satellite Positioning System 全球卫星定位系统原理及应用
With the development of satellite navigation and positioning technology, GNSS ( Global Navigation Satellite System) is widely used in train positioning system. 随着卫星导航和定位技术的发展,GNSS(GlobalNavigationSatelliteSystem)在列车定位中的应用也日益广泛。
Global navigation satellite system ( GNSS) refers to a kind of space navigation technology for navigation and positioning on the ground, sea and space using in the sky of the navigation satellite. 全球导航卫星系统GNSS(GlobalNavigationSatelliteSystem),是指利用在天空中的导航卫星对地面、海洋和空间用户进行导航定位的一种空间导航技术。
Radio frequency receiver is one of the most important parts of Global Navigation Satellite System. 射频接收机是卫星导航定位系统的重要组成部分。
With the development of global navigation satellite system, the GPS technology is applied more and more extensively. 随着全球导航卫星系统的发展,GPS技术的应用也越来越广泛。
Global navigation satellite system ( GNSS) is a space based wireless positioning system. 全球卫星导航系统(GlobalNavigationSatelliteSystem,GNSS)是一种空间无线电定位系统。
Global Navigation Satellite System ( GNSS) is widely uesed in various fields of society. 全球卫星导航系统(GNSS)在社会的各个方面有着及其广泛的应用。
With the development of Global Navigation Satellite System and Low Earth Orbit ( LEO) Satellite, GPS meteorology gains rapid development. 随着全球导航卫星和低轨卫星计划的发展,GPS气象学得到了迅速发展。
In recent years, with the rapid development of Global Navigation Satellite System ( GNSS), precise and all-weather navigation and global position can be achieved, which provides gun a new way of accurate technology. 近年来,随着全球导航卫星系统(GNSS,GlobalNavigationSatelliteSystem)的快速发展,可以实现全天候和高精度持续全球导航与定位,为火炮精确化提供了一条新的技术途径。
Following the GPS and GLONASS, European and china started building their own global navigation satellite system named Galileo and COMPASS. 继GPS和GLONASS之后,欧洲和中国已经开始了自主的全球导航卫星系统Galileo、COMPASS的建设。
In recent years, various types of applications based on global satellite positioning system are developing rapidly. 近年来,基于全球卫星定位系统的各类应用在全球范围内快速发展。
GPS is still the basic of the GNSS ( Global Navigation Satellite System) at present. 现今的全球导航卫星系统仍以美国的全球定位系统为核心。
GNSS ( Global Navigation Satellite System) is used for positioning the user location all over the world. 全球导航卫星系统(GNSS)是用于定位用户接收机地理位置的一种卫星系统。
With the formation of the GPS system and improvement, the development of global satellite navigation system, which greatly promoted the development of many other disciplines, such as geodesy, astronomy, meteorology. 随着美国GPS系统的形成和完善,全球卫星导航系统的发展,极大推动了许多其它学科的发展,如测量学、天文学、气象学等。
With the progress and development of GNSS ( Global Navigation Satellite System) technology, the application scopes of GNSS have been more and more widespread, especially in the fields of positioning and atmospheric measurements. 随着全球卫星导航系统GNSS(GlobalNavigationSatelliteSystem)技术的进步与发展,GNSS系统的应用领域越来越广泛,尤其在导航定位以及大气测量方面得到了重要的体现。
Global Navigation Satellite System ( GNSS) is one of the most important infrastructures for nations. 全球导航卫星系统(GNSS)已经成为了重要的基础设施之一。
The Global Navigation Satellite System ( GNSS) have been applied successfully not only in the traditional field such as ranging, time service, and navigation, but also in environmental monitoring, geodesy, astronomy, and meteorology and so on. 全球导航卫星系统(GNSS)不仅成功应用于测距、授时和导航等传统领域,而且在环境监测、大地测量、天文、气象等领域也得到广泛的应用。